- Why change them? 为什么要改变现状呢?
- Why change to Australian Oaten Hay? 为何改换成澳大利亚燕麦干草?
- Wear cotton underpants and change them daily. 选用棉质内裤及每天更换。
- The only way you can change them is with a coup. 你改变的唯一方式就是政变。
- We are not going to change them. 不会的。
- Or do I need flexibility to change them at will? 或者我需要在将来能灵活地改变他们?
- The present system has worked satisfactorily, so why change it? My advice is to leave well alone. 目前这个制度执行情况令人满意,为什么要改变呢?我侍建议是听其自然。
- For the last two times all used FCL, why change to LCL this time? 之前2回,都是走的FCL,这次为什么改变为LCL?
- You may change them at the Exchange Counter in the Lobby. 您可以在大厅的汇兑柜台兑换。
- I am convinced that my colleagues will not change them. 我相信我的同事们会这样做。
- Just tell us the color and design you have in mind. we'll change them accordingly. 把您心里想的颜色和式样告诉我们,我们将作相应的修改。
- Why are the days in the middle of my week calendar a different color, and how do I change them? 为什么周日历中间的这几天显示为不同的颜色?如何更改它们?
- Why change the "'workers'and'peasants'republic" into a "people's republic"? 为什么要把“工农共和国”改变为“人民共和国呢”?
- Well,we ordered ten ES30s,but we want to change them to EM40s. 喔,我们订购10台ES30,但是我们想为改为EM40。
- Dollars. US dollars. I'd like to change them into yuan, please. 美元。美国美元。我想把它们兑换成人民币。
- For the most part, you will not need to change them. 一般情况下,您不需要对它们进行更改。
- Also, this is why changing menus dynamically sometimes backfires. 这就是为什么动态地改变菜单有时候事与愿违。
- I have only US dollars. Can I change them into Chinese yuan? 我只有美元,能换成人民币吗?
- Well, we ordered ten ES30s, but we want to change them to EM40s. 喔,我们订购10台ES30,但是我们想为改为EM40。
- How many dollars do you need to change them into German marks? 您需要把多少美金兑换成马克?